Go Be More Podcast

Your "Skills Network" And Creating Your Own Path (Ep 05)

Episode Summary

Jon and Bryan talk about the Process of Design Squiggle by Daniel Newman, and how it is a powerful mental model for embarking on anything new. They discuss the dangers of comparing where you are on your journey to where others are, and we wrap it up with a conversation about viewing our personal skills as being a network which grows stronger as we add new skills and cultivate the connections between them.

Episode Notes

Jon and Bryan talk about Daniel Newman's Process of Design Squiggle as a mental model for understanding complicated processes (1:00). Then they discuss the problem with comparing where you are to others, especially when you are just starting (18:20). Finally Bryan introduces the concept of a "Skills Network" and how we can strategically develop our skills to create new opportunities (33:00).

Recorded May 7, 2020.

Reference Links:

The Newman Design Squiggle and Finding Your Purpose - Go Be More Blog

Developing Your "Skills Network" and the Importance of Multiplier Skills - Go Be More Blog

Von Ware - Ware Studios

U2's Beginnings - The Sun

Carlin Isles - YouTube


Bryan Green, Go Be More Blog

Jon Rankin, @chasejonrankin, Go Be More


Go Be More website

Go Be More YouTube Channel






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