Go Be More Podcast

Dream Big and Don't Settle - with Sub-4 Miler Bryan Lindsay (Ep 41)

Episode Summary

Jon and Bryan speak with health care entrepreneur and sub-four miler Bryan Lindsay about the role running has played in his life.

Episode Notes

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We talk with sub-4 miler and senior care reformer Bryan Lindsay about his running career and how he’s building a model for senior care that works.

Bryan’s Running Career
- Some thoughts on camaraderie between competitors and what the “right” approach is to associating with other athletes at competitions
- His friendships he created with the other top runners and how that eventually led them to all compete together at BYU
- The motivation he got from trying to figure out what the top teams in his region were doing and his subscription to Track and Field News
- How he read a book about Olympic athletes who shared his faith and that also contributed to his belief he could achieve his goals
- His focus on achieving his potential and finding his personal limits
- How he was already planning out his path to the Olympics at age 26 when he was a sophomore in high school, and the importance of engaging and and studying your craft
- His experience serving a mission for his church in Portugal, and how that affected his overall career
- How he went six years without a personal best due to his mission and repeated injuries
- His experience breaking the four-minute barrier with Jon at the Rafer Johnson/Jackie Joyner-Kersee Invitational in 2005 (and experiencing Diddy Riese cookies)
- Finishing second at the NCAA Championships for 1500m and the opportunity that created to run professionally with New Balance
- How he’s transitioned to doing triathlons now, and setting his Masters PRs

Restoracy and Transforming Senior Care
- Going back to school and getting a Master’s in Health Administration
- Working in health care and for large institutional nursing homes
- His startup long-term healthcare facility called The Restoracy, which centers around making the nursing home experience feel more like a real home
- How he took one big idea from his running: have big goals and go after them knowing there are risks, so do it with the best plan you can create
- The initial feedback he is receiving and why he believes his company is a better model for long-term care in the future
- And finally, what Go Be More, means to Bryan

If you liked this episode, check out our interviews with coach/trainer Ben Auerbach and Olympian Khadevis Robinson.

And, you can now get these show notes sent directly to your email. Sign up here!

Recorded September 2, 2020.


The Restoracy - website

1999 NCAA Championships 1500m Final - YouTube

2005 Rafer Johnson/Jackie Joyner-Kersee Invitational Mile - YouTube

2005 NCAA Championships 1500m Final - YouTube

Diddy Riese cookies - website


Bryan Lindsay - @BYUMiler_Bryan


Bryan Green - @sendaibry, Go Be More Blog

Jon Rankin - @chasejonrankin, Go Be More


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