Go Be More Podcast

The 80/20 Rule (Ep 13)

Episode Summary

Jon and Bryan discuss the 80/20 rule and how to use it to identify the key drivers of success and failure in your life.

Episode Notes

We dive into the 80/20 Rule. In this episode we cover
- the history of how the 80/20 rule came to be (2:30)
- how the concept relates to the idea of finding and nurturing your "1,000 true fans" (11:30)
- real-world examples of how we've used 80/20 thinking in our lives and careers (20:00)
- the challenge of prioritizing what you need to do today versus doing what you need for your future (33:30). 
- Using "Negative 80/20" thinking to eliminate your biggest problems and stressors (41:30)
- The importance of the 5 closest people in your life (43:30), and
- "Next Level 80/20" and identifying the most essential area to focus (51:00).

Recorded May 26, 2020. 


Campaign Zero: Aiming to end police violence in America - Website

8 Can't Wait: The 8 policies that could reduce police violence by 72% - Campaign homepage

The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch - Amazon

You Need To Practice Being Your Future Self by Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review

"Act As If" - Jon's speech at Keller Williams - YouTube


Bryan Green, Go Be More Blog

Jon Rankin, @chasejonrankin, Go Be More


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