Go Be More Podcast

Changing What People Think is Possible--Geoff Woods on The One Thing (Ep 81)

Episode Summary

Geoff Woods has a system for honing in on the one thing that will bring about the best results. In this episode, he lays out a path for everyone looking to master their time and resources.

Episode Notes

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“We're not just thought leaders, we're practice leaders. We practice what we teach. So you have to live it.”

Some podcasts have so many nuggets of truth that you commit to listening more than once. Geoff and Bryan’s conversation is one of these.

Geoff has a system for honing in on the one thing that will bring about the best results. 

He walks Bryan through the exact sequence of questions and thoughts that will scale-up Bryan’s Make the Leap book project. And in the process, he lays out a path for everyone looking to master their time and resources.

(3:30) “The shift is coming and there's always a gift in the shift.” Pivoting business because of Covid…

(5:37) Have you ever been in a place where even though things are good, you’re lacking fulfillment? Geoff speaks about what led to his lightbulb moment.

(7:32) Exposure to The One Thing, the simple truth behind extraordinary results and the start of a new company…

(11:12) Going from doing the best you can do to studying the best in the world…

(12:02) Ideas that change people…

(17:23) “There's no such thing as work-life balance. It's not like these scales where they're going to be completely equal. It does not exist. What we have to realize is that life is a balancing act.”

(18:57) Going long and staying short…

(21:07) “You got to stop doing the stuff that you're probably doing right now, because most people, if I followed them around with a camera, I'd see them majoring in the minors.” Choosing ONE thing…

(24:34) The domino effect and a powerful habit…

(26:53) “Think big, but go small and trust the dominoes will fall.”

(31:16) Forming habits…

(34:35) A little one-on-one coaching for Bryan’s book project…

(46:34) What does Go Be More mean to you? “Think big, go small, trust the dominoes will fall. Have a big vision and understand that the path to getting there is not by doing everything. It’s about viewing all the things you can do like dominoes: stand them up, line them up, whack away at the first one.”

If you liked this episode, check out our our conversations about the 80/20 rule and self-referenced goal-setting.

Recorded February 26, 2021.


The One Thing (book) - Amazon

The One Thing (company) - website

The One Thing Podcast - website

Largest Toppling Dominos World Record - YouTube


Geoff Woods - LinkedIn


Bryan Green - bryan@gobemore.co, maketheleapbook.com

Jon Rankin - @chasejonrankin, Go Be More


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